Senator Regan E-Newsletter

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In this Update:

  • Regan Presents Flag in Memory of Bob Straw, Former County Emergency Management Director
  • PennDOT Survey for Feedback on Winter Services
  • Senate Votes for Athletic Trainers to Provide Important Care
  • Free Tax Resource for Pennsylvanians

  • Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8
  • Happy Easter to You and Your Family

Regan Presents Flag in Memory of Bob Straw, Former County Emergency Management Director

On Thursday, I had the distinct honor of presenting Debbie Straw of York with an American flag that was flown over the Capitol in memory of her late husband, Robert “Bob” Straw. Bob served his community with dedication as a volunteer firefighter, the York County Emergency Management Director from 1983 to 2000, and the York County Red Cross Disaster Response Director from 2001 to 2012.

PennDOT Survey for Feedback on Winter Services

PennDOT is seeking the public’s input on winter services through an online survey available until April 17th for the purpose of reviewing operations and identifying ways to enhance the distribution of information.

The survey is 16-questions long and asks respondents about their timeline expectations for safe and passable roadways, how they rank snow-removal priorities, and how they rate PennDOT’s winter services. Other questions ask respondents how they receive roadway information and whether they use the state’s 511PA traveler information services.

Senate Votes for Athletic Trainers to Provide Important Care

Two bills modernizing the capabilities of athletic trainers in Pennsylvania were passed by the Senate and moved to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Senate Bill 559 and Senate Bill 560 would allow athletic trainers to deliver a wider scope of health care services to more individuals.

The bills would permit athletic trainers to practice specific invasive procedures under a written protocol with a licensed physician. Some of the procedures include medication injections, blister and nail care, administration of Naloxone and any other procedures authorized by the State Board of Medicine.

Free Tax Resource for Pennsylvanians

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue myPATH site is a free resource all Pennsylvanians can use.

Using the website, residents can file their PA personal income taxes, make a payment and check the status of their refund. There is also an option to verify your tax refund to expedite processing.

Anyone who needs some extra help using myPATH can access video tutorials explaining how to create a profile, file a personal income tax return and use a smart device to access myPATH.

Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8

On Monday, April 8, the continental United States will experience its last total solar eclipse until 2044. As it travels from the southwest to the northeast, the eclipse will cross through a portion of northwest Pennsylvania, including Erie, Crawford, Warren and Mercer counties. For nearly four minutes around 2:30 p.m., the afternoon sky will go dark. The sun will slowly reemerge, and by 4:30 p.m., it will be as if nothing happened.

You must be in the path to see the sun totally eclipsed by the moon. Most of Pennsylvania lies within the 90% coverage range, so there will be excellent viewing across the state, weather permitting, even outside the path of totality. Before the total solar eclipse, many state parks have free eclipse educational programs.

To safely view the eclipse, do not look directly at the sun with the naked eye, through an unfiltered camera lens or with any kind of standard sunglasses. Find more information about safety and what to expect here.

Happy Easter to You and Your Family

Warmest wishes to you and your family for a very Happy Easter!


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